When he sits on the throne as king, he must copy for himself this body of instruction on a scroll in the presence of the Levitical priests. He must always keep that copy with him and read it daily as long as he lives. That way he will learn to fear the Lord his God by obeying all the terms of these instructions and decrees. ~ Deut. 18:18-20
Daily Reading Questions
1. Name something that was familiar to you but was "heard" in a new way today.
2. Name something from today's reading that you did not know before today.
3. Name one truth from today's reading that you can apply to your daily life.
Tuesday, October 5, 2010
'The Way Home'
It is difficult to remain impartial in the beginning of this movie as each parent presents a timeless, valid viewpoint for their recent actions that most married parents can identify with. As the movie progresses and the search for Joe continues, the plot deepens to include their struggles not only with each other, but also the scope of their faith. At times the action is maddeningly slow as it seems that the search will never progress, but at those times the emotion of each parent is most real. The entire movie forces the viewer to evaluate how s/he parents and if s/he is intentional and purposeful with the time given to them as parents.
I will definitely recommend this movie to my friends. Every parent can use a reminder of the preciousness of their children's lives, and this movie provides that in spades.
I was provided a free copy of this movie by Thomas Nelson in exchange for an unbiased review.
Wednesday, September 15, 2010
Friday, September 3, 2010
"Faithful" by Kim Cash Tate
Cash's book was not what I expected, and at first, as each woman's life fell apart, I was disappointed by the blunt and worldly view of sex that was presented. As the plot continued, however, more of God's truth entered the picture. By the end, a realistic view of sin and how to handle temptation had been presented. Cash's characters were believable and and real. I will definitely look for her next book!
I was given a copy of this book by Thomas Nelson in exchange for an unbiased review.
Friday, July 30, 2010
Our Upcoming Schedule
Tuesday, August 10 - Book Club ('A Time to Mend' by Sally John and Gary Smalley
Monday, August 23 - Bible Study
Tuesday, August 31 - Book Club ('The Princess' by Lori Wick)
After that, we'll need to finalize plans for our new regular meeting day. The way I understand it, our book club schedule will then be as follows (with the meeting to occur on whatever day of this week we end up meeting):
September 28th - 'The Last Jihad' by Joel C. Rosenberg
October 26th - 'The Island of Heavenly Daze' by Lori Copeland and Angela Hunt
We have also scheduled these books and never talked about them, so perhaps these could be added again to the schedule following October:
'A Penny for Your Thoughts' by Mindy Starns Clark
'A Shred of Evidence' by Kathy Herman
Currently, all meetings are scheduled to be held at 8 PM @ Isabelle's house unless something changes.
Thursday, July 29, 2010
"Resurrection in May" by Lisa Samson
Samson has written an emotionally charged book. While the action is slow and much of it is conversational or simply describing the everyday work of a farm, the reader gleans the heart condition of each character from these simple actions. Samson has turned the reader into a cheerleader as May grows and recovers from her ordeal. By the last page, the reader finds that May is stronger - and less predictable - than one would think.
"Resurrection in May" is a wonderful book that will prompt the reader to affirm the power of forgiveness. I will definitely recommend this book and look up Samson's others!
This book was given to me by Thomas Nelson in return for an unbiased review.
Monday, July 26, 2010
Scratch that!
Tuesday, July 20, 2010
August 9th
What a busy summer! It seems as if we're all being pulled in a zillion directions.
Since things are so crazy, we've reset our schedule for this next month and are trying to figure out a more workable schedule before school starts again. Our next meeting will be on Monday, August 9th at 8 PM at Isabelle's house. If you have any questions or need directions, let me know!
I'll post the dates for the next few weeks soon - my notebook isn't handy at the moment.
Have a fabulous week!
Thursday, July 8, 2010
Like Dandelion Dust
Go here to watch the trailer and to sign up for updates!
Saturday, July 3, 2010
'A Patch of Heaven' by Kelly Long
Long has created wonderful characters. Lifelike and honest, they are not perfect but reflect the situations in which they find themselves. Her writing is compelling and made it impossible for me to put this book down. I couldn't wait to find out what would happen next, and that the characters did not always do the predictable thing made it even better.
With that said, though, for as interesting as the story is, I felt that it was not especially realistic. I grew up in an Amish community, and the biggest decision made by the main characters was one which I've never heard of happening, and despite Long's great writing, there were several gaps not filled in by the end of the book. Yet the strengths of this book far outweighed the weaknesses, and I can't wait to read the next in the series.
Thomas Nelson provided me with a complimentary copy of this book in exchange for a review.
Monday, June 14, 2010
Book Club Schedule Update
Here's an update of our book club schedule for the next few months:
June 22 - 'A Penny for Your Thoughts' by Mindy Starns Clark
July 20 - 'A Time to Mend' by Sally John and Gary Smalley
August 31 - 'A Shred of Evidence' by Kathy Herman
September 28 - 'The Princess' by Lori Wick
October 26 - 'The Island of Heavenly Daze' by Lori Copeland and Angela Hunt
Some of us have some of these, so you may be able to borrow a copy! Happy reading!
Wednesday, June 9, 2010
The Old Testament Kings
"Love on a Dime" by Cara Lynn James
Thursday, June 3, 2010
Applying the Heart
Wednesday, May 26, 2010
Bye, Bye, Pretend Christians
Rick Warren is the pastor at Saddleback Church in California, a huge megachurch that just celebrated its 30th anniversary. He recently preached a sermon challenging everyone in his congregation - all 20,000 of them - to put their money where their mouths are, so to speak - or to find another church home. He's looked at the eight characteristics of the first original church as described in Acts and has set goals for his church based on these.
Warren says that in the original church there was no audience, but that everyone served and ministered in some way. He says that we are all there to support each other and that everyone has a calling, a talent, a gift, and a job to do. The Great Commission is for everyone - and over the next ten years, he's planning for everyone to be serving. He's even planning to send parishioners out to every country in the world. We're talking about radical, word-for-word obedience here.
I think that what he says makes sense. But don't take my word for it. Read the article for yourself and see what you think.
Do you have a gift or a talent that He's asked you to share??
Monday, May 17, 2010
Road Trip, Anyone??
Tickets are $25 if we reserve our spots now. You can check it out here.
Saturday, May 15, 2010
SoBo Faith Fest 2010
So, I thought that since our little group never did get together last summer, nor did we manage a winter thing this year, that maybe this festival would make for a fun day for all of us. Entrance and all children's activities are free, and it's not too far away. I realize, however, that it is a 'busy' weekend. We're planning to go; is anybody else in??
Oh, PS - KLOVE is one of the sponsors of this event. :-)
Friday, May 7, 2010
Mother's Day Giveaway
Monday, May 3, 2010
Spiritual Gifts
What are your strengths??
Thursday, April 29, 2010
A Day of Excitement
One event in particular has my daughter still talking.
Sure, the kids are excited about painting Luke's bedroom walls and picking out plants for our new garden, but ... it doesn't compare. This is making them really THINK.
We went to the mall today to look for a bed tent for Luke's new big boy bed, but we were barely out of the car when we saw a few men take off running through the parking lot. It scared me, and I started eyeing the distance to the mall entrance, when one started yelling and asking for a phone. I looked over - they were just in the next aisle - when I saw legs peeking out past a gold car. Finally understanding, I called 911 as I listened to the men look down at the fallen woman and speculate as to what happened. Slowly others began to gather around, and eventually a nurse turned up with a towel and began putting pressure on the gash on the woman's head. Throughout all the drama I continued relaying the conversation of the people helping the woman to the 911 operator and trying to answer his questions. By the time the fire and rescue truck and then later an ambulance made it to us, a small crowd had gathered to frantically flag down the paramedics.
A woman from the crowd helped the paramedics find and secure her personal belongings, and it turns out that her name was Rose. She rgained consciousness as they transferred her to the ambulance, and I think she'll be okay - not that I have any great medical knowledge to draw upon. She did lose a lot of blood, though, and my kids were quite scared. Could you please pray for Rose and her family?
Most Worthy of Praise
I've told a few of you about Baby Gabriel, who has neuroblastoma and has been undergoing testing to determine a course of action. His family received FABULOUS news yesterday, and Wendy talks about it in today's post. I can't share it with the same exuberance that she did, so please hop on over there and check it out.
Don't just stop the video after Gabriel's update, though. Wendy then shares about what "earnestly seeking" God means. Do you do that? Do I? Not always, I'm sorry to say. I think that her teaching today is especially applicable to my life. It has the research, the information of the era, but more importantly - it's all wrapped up in a neat little bow and handed to me to do. I need that honesty and pointedness sometimes.
Check it out. Maybe you need to hear this, too.
Tuesday, April 27, 2010
Anybody interested in a Mom's Nite Out??
"The Stones Cry Out"
"If I Could Ask God Anything" by Kathryn Slattery
I love the way that this book starts out with simple questions like "Did Jesus ever do anything wrong" and works up to harder questions like "If God loves people, why do bad things happen?" Slattery doesn't dodge difficult questions and gives them the same honest consideration as the simpler ones. Written from a Christian perspective, the answers in this book are encouraging and appropriate for a child of any age who asks them. The scripture references make it easy to go back to the Bible and see for yourself, in context, what God has to say about any given topic. This book is a must for any parent who has a curious child asking those hard-to-answer questions.
Thomas Nelson has provided me with a free copy of this book. I was not required to write a positive review and the opinions I expressed are my own.
Monday, April 19, 2010
Sandpaper People
Wendy talks a lot about sandpaper people in her vlog today. If you've got any of these people in your life or your sphere of influence, head right over here and check out this vlog. This is not one to miss!
Also, Debbie from NC posted in today's comments about Max Lucado's Brook of Besor devotional. You can sign up for his free daily devotionals, and if they're all as thought-provoking as this one, I just might. There are lots of golden nuggets in this one - be sure to check it out.
Saturday, April 17, 2010
'Letters to God' Road Trip
Let's plan to meet at my house at 6 PM. That should get us where we need to be in time for the movie.
The movie begins at 7:10 and is just shy of 2 hours. It should end right around 9 PM for our trip back home.
Tickets for this show are $9. They are available online here.
If you have any questions, let me know!
PS - Don't forget to read 'The Stones Cry Out' by Siobella Giorello for April 27th! :-)
Thursday, April 8, 2010
A Change of Pace
What changed?
I don't know exactly. Maybe God was extending grace to them. He does, of course, know the whole story and how it will ultimately end.
But as Wendy pointed out, somebody amongst all of those crazy, irreverent, bloodthirsty, pagan-worshipping Israelites, somebody was teaching God's word. Somebody loved Him. Somebody had "committed themselves wholeheartedly to these commands ..." Somebody was "repeating them again and again to their children," and somebody was "walking about them when [he was] at home and on the road, when [he was] going to bed and when [he was] getting up. (Deut. 6)
Somebody, for all of those yucky generations, was obedient to God and was quietly following His will. How do we know?
Ruth's son Obed was the grandfather of King David. THE King David. The one who wrote tons of Psalms and praised God throughout some really dark times. THAT King David.
So even though Boaz, Ruth's new husband, was a descendant of Rahab, the prostitute, and somewhere back in there was Tarah (SP?) the tricky daughter-in-law, God used them. God really can redeem anything!
If you haven't had the chance to watch Wendy's vlog , check it out!
Joshua, son of Nun
Monday, March 29, 2010
God's Promises Fulfilled
Today Wendy challenged everyone to post their favorite promise of God at the top of their comments. As of right now, more than 20 verses have been posted, with more coming in all the time. Wendy also linked two websites that are full of His promises to her comment section. If you're one of those card-carryin' Bible verse-readin' ladies, don't miss this chance to see a wealth of God's promises all on one place - no searching or concordance necessary. :-)
Wendy also requested prayer for the P31 family. Melissa Taylor's mother's funeral was today, and there have been three other deaths in recent weeks, as well as job loss and health issues. The Executive Director's best friend's son is also in need of prayer - he's an eight-month-old baby named Gabriel with a brain tumor behind his ear. His parents are Chris and Rhonda. Please remember them in your prayer time.
Don't forget that tomorrow we'll be meeting to discuss 'A Can of Peas' at Isabelle's at 8 PM! Diana, if you read this, I haven't forgotten you - I'm just not done yet. Having trouble focusing my eyes with all of this pollen floating around ... off to try again.
Thursday, March 18, 2010
"The Chronological Guide to the Bible" published by Thomas Nelson
The Chronological Guide to the Bible definitely adds a great deal of background information to Biblical reading. Timelines, summaries, further information, commentary style, help fill in the full picture of what each particular Biblical era looked like. The information seems reputable and I have seen no disagreements with Scripture.
With that said, I was disappointed with how short each section is. The Bible does have 66 books, but each related section is only 3-4 pages in this guide. In addition, while there are sometimes pictures of particular items being explained, there are no maps of the changing borders boundaries, or travels taken at any time. Being able to see how this part of the world changed during Biblical times would have enhanced this book greatly.
The Chronological Guide itself is of very high quality. With thick, glossy pages and full color illustrations, the book is beautiful.
This book would be a wonderful addition for a new Christian or for someone trying to read through the Bible for the first time.
I received this book free from Thomas Nelson Publishers as part of their Booksneeze.com book review bloggers program. I was not required to write a positive review. The opinions I have expressed are my own. I am disclosing this in accordance with the FTC's 16 CFR, Part 255.
Wednesday, March 17, 2010
Reading It Daily
Also, if you've ever wondered why we no longer follow the OT dietary guidelines, that's been heavily commented on since Tuesday. Today Wendy talks about that in her blog, too, and the comments continue. If you've got pork tendencies and you're not sure about them, be sure to check it out!
I hope that all of you are feeling better! Since we had to miss again, may I propose something? If you have prayer requests, could you go ahead and forward them on? I'd hate for us to miss prayer time for those who need it. Thanks!
See you next Tuesday at Isabelle's!
Monday, March 1, 2010
The Verdict is In ...
Oh, and bring your appetites! :-)
That means that tomorrow, March 2nd, we will meet at 8 PM at Isabelle's to discuss what we're reading about right now. See you there!
Sunday, February 28, 2010
A Family Banner
This verse really struck me. As was repeated over and over, the tribes were following God's directions exactly and completely, including the making of, flying, camping under, and marching under of family banners.
What did these banners look like?
Wendy's comments are full of information. Jan from TN quotes Vernon McGee and describes these banners. He says that Judah's banner featured a lion, that Reuben's had a man's head on it, Ephraim had an ox, and Dan's had an eagle. McGee notes that these line up with Ezekiel 1:10. Grace and Peace quotes Courson and says that from the air, the encampment would have been shaped like a massive cross.
If you read on to today's comments, Karen from Basel describes the significance of the colors used for securing the Tabernacle pieces for transport. I wonder how these might have been used in the banners?
At MOPS they talk about how important it is for our families to have our own traditions and identy; how this will help our children feel secure now and confident moving out on their own when the time comes. Thinking visually, if our families were to have a banner now, what would it look like? What rallying point do we have? What sets us apart and identifies us as belonging to each other? What mark would we camp out under and fly proudly as we follow God?
I think my family might just have to create one of these. I like the idea of this rallying point. Even more, I like what the author of Psalm 20 has to say about it. I see a project just waiting to happen .....
What would be on YOUR family banner?
In times of trouble, may the Lord answer your cry.
May the name of the God of Jacob keep you safe from all harm.
May He send you help from His sanctuary
and strengthen you from Jerusalem.
May He remember all your gifts
and look favorably on all your burnt offernings.
May He grant you your heart's desires
and make all your plans succeed.
May we shout for joy when we hear of Your victory
and raise a victory banner in the name of our God.
May the Lord answer all your prayers.
Saturday, February 27, 2010
Updated Book List
March 30th ............ 'A Can of Peas' by Traci DePree
April 20th .............. 'The Stones Cry Out' by Sibella Giorello
May 25th ............... 'The Stain' by Harry Kraus, MD
June 22nd ............. 'A Penny for your Throughts' by Mindy Starns Clark
I'm not sure what the plan is for Tuesday. As soon as I receive confirmation, I'll let you know!
Friday, February 26, 2010
'The Clouds Roll Away' by Sibella Giorello
Giorello writes beautiful, descriptive text that draws the reader in. Although seemingly distant at times, throughout the book Raleigh takes on a life of her own until she seems to be munching on a Big Mac write next to the reader. The history of the Richmond area is included in a realistic way, not only bringing the area to life but helping to round out the edges of Raleigh's case. The plot keeps the reader in suspense while not being too over the top. While faith was definitely a part of Raleigh's make-up, it seemed to be a distant part. A deeper exploration of her return to faith would have made her character's transformation more complete.
My biggest concern with this book lies with its history. This is the second Raleigh Harmon book, and apparently much happens in the first book that is relevant to her Richmond roots - only it isn't fully explained here. I felt as if I would have been better able to understand Raleigh throughout the first half of the book had Giorello taken a bit more time to explore her background here and catch new readers up to speed. This will not deter me from reading these books - they are very well written - but these are definitely not stand alone books. I will recommend these to my friends - starting with the first one.
I received this book free from Thomas Nelson Publishers as part of their BookSneeze.com book review bloggers program. I was not required to write a positive review. The opinions I have expressed are my own. I am disclosing this in accordance with the Federal Trade Commission's 16 CFR, Part 255 "Guidelines Concerning the Use of Endorsements and Testimonials in Advertising."
Thursday, February 25, 2010
We're Reading ...
March 30th ............................. 'A Can of Peas' by Trace DePree
April 20th ............................... 'The Clouds Roll By' by Sibella Giorello
May 25th ................................ ''The Stain' by Harry Kraus, MD
June 22nd ............................... 'A Penny for Your Thoughts' by Mindy Starns Clark
I am still waiting for the exact date of our dinner with our special guest. It's coming ... I'll post it as soon as I have confirmation!
Someone also asked for the Christian websites that I frequent for money saving deals. You can find them here and here.
Wendy has posted some wonderful vlogs lately! Leviticus is hard, but if you're really struggling, try to take some time to watch her videos or read through some of the comments. The extra information can really make these passages come alive! If you've gotten behind and you want to catch up - which is extra hard for me when I'm in Leviticus! - maybe a treat will help. Maybe you can settle down with a favorite snack or head out to a shop or restaurant to hang out with a cold drink in a quiet corner to spread out your stuff and catch up. Think outside the box!
Friday, February 19, 2010
Anybody Interested?
Friday, February 12, 2010
Tim McGraw's 'Love Your Heart'
Little girls will love reading about the all of Katie's talents. Although quietly confident, efforts don't always proceed as planned, and readers will see that it's the heart - not the final outcome - that determines a winner. Readers will relate to Katie's diverse talents and laugh along with her struggle to find the perfect talent for the show.
With short conversations on each page and very colorful illustrations, this book can be read to the very young toddler and taught to older elementary students. This book is definitely a winner!
For more information about Love Your Heart, go here.
A complimentary copy of this book was provided for review by Thomas Nelson.
Wednesday, February 10, 2010
Ark of the Covenant
Wednesday, February 3, 2010
Contrasts of Moses
- He was the child of a slave but the son of a queen.
- He lived in a hut and in the palace.
- He inherited poverty but had unlimited wealth.
- He was the keeper of flocks and the leader of armies.
- He was the meekest of men and the mightiest of warriors.
- He was educated in court but dwelt in the desert.
- He was fitted for the city but wandered in the wilderness.
- He was given the wisdom of Egypt but had the faith of a child.
- He was tempted with sin but endured hardships of virtue.
- He was awkward with speech but spoke with God.
- He held the rod of a shepherd but the power of the Infinite.
- He was a fugitive from Pharaoh but an ambassador of Heaven.
- He was the giver of the Law but the forerunner of Grace.
- He died on Mt. Moab but appeared with Jesus in Judea.
- No on assisted at his funeral but God buried him.
Isn't that cool?
One of those points brought to mind that scripture I was searching for the last time we met. This isn't it exactly, but it does move Moses forward into the New Testament. Mark 9:2-4:
Six days later Jesus took Peter, James and John, and led them up a high mountain to be alone. As the men watched, Jesus' appearance was transformed and his clothes became dazzling white, far whiter than any earthly bleach could ever make them. Then Elijah and Moses appeared and began talking with Jesus.
See you next week!
Tuesday, February 2, 2010
Feb. 2: Cancelled due to road conditions
Feb. 9th: Discussion of Exodus at Isabelle's house
Feb. 16th: Regular Bible study at Amy's house
Feb. 25th: Book club discussion about Whispers of the Bayou by Mindy Starns Clark
See you next Tuesday!
See you then!
Monday, February 1, 2010
Intercessory Prayer
Saturday, January 30, 2010
Wendy posted an amazing video set to Chris Tomlin's Indescribeable. It really is wonderful, so I'm adding it here, as well. Happy viewing!
PS - I have received my copy of our book Whispers of the Bayou and finished it this morning. If anyone still needs a book, you're welcome to borrow mine - although I would love to have it back a day or two before we discuss it. Let me know!
Sunday, January 24, 2010
My Redeemer Lives
Turn up your speakers and go here! :-)
The Map Link is Here!
Happy 'traveling!' :-)
Friday, January 22, 2010
A Voice of Truth
But ...
Job asked for a Mediator, someone to go to God for him.
We have One. His name is Jesus.
There may come a time when those around us stop supporting us or when their words hurt. It may not come from a human, though, and may be 'pushed for' by Satan - by the one who lies.
But ...
We have a Voice of Truth.
That's what I couldn't stop thinking about today. When it seems as if there's trouble on all sides and we're all alone, isn't it awesome that, like Job, we're really NOT??
Check it out!
Although, this may be pretty applicable for Job, too. He sure was good at this!
PS - As usual, Grace and Peace has posted some wonderful thoughts about Job over on Wendy's blog. Don't miss it!
Thursday, January 21, 2010
Plain Pursuit by Beth Wiseman
Beth Wiseman has written the best Amish novel I've read in years. True to the Amish culture of central Pennsylvania, this book does not romanticize their lives, nor does it make their culture seem foreign or strange. She creatively uses the characters and the plot to keep the reader in suspense while introducing real-to-life drama. Carley's turmoil and questions regarding her past experiences and her faith are real and are not resolved in a paragraph. She struggles to understand the mystery surrounding the events of Noah's shunning and the difficult ramifications his family faces because of that years later.
Plain Pursuit will challenge any reader to seek out forgiveness and to understand how they, too, can be a "child of promise." If you've ever been interested in Amish culture or have questions about how God relates to His children, this is a book for you.
For more information about Plain Pursuit by Beth Wiseman, go here.
For more information about Thomas Nelson products, go here.
** Thomas Nelson has provided me with a complimentary copy of this book for reviewing purposes.
Wednesday, January 20, 2010
A Great Start
Genesis is just full of action-packed stories with lots of hidden truths. This one is too good not to post here:
In Genesis 5 the entire Gospel message is hidden within a few short lines of geneology. If you look up the meaning of the names, you'll see that:
Adam - Man
Seth - appointned
Enosh - mortal
Kenan - sorrow
Mahelalel - the blessed God
Jared - shall come down
Enoch - teaching
Methuselah - His death shall bring
Lamech - the despairing
Noah - comfort, rest
So, what this means is that:
Man [is] appointed mortal sorrow, [but] the Blessed God shall come down teaching [that] His death shall bring the despairing comfort [and] rest.
How awesome is that??! Thanks, Grace and Peace!
Tuesday, January 19, 2010
Tonight's Meeting
Tonight's meeting is at Amy's house @ 8 PM. I've heard about several people recently who are jumping on board with this daily chronological Bible reading plan. Isn't it exciting?
If you've talked to someone who's begun to read their Bible this way or wants to see what our group is like, bring them along! The more, the merrier!
Saturday, January 16, 2010
Joseph Like Jesus?
Have you noticed how Joseph's life, in many ways, parallels Jesus' life? What a way to foreshadow His plans! You can go here to read a complete list. Thanks to Grace and Peace for making this observation and providing the link.
Happy reading!
Wednesday, January 13, 2010
Where Are We?
Happy reading!
Tuesday, January 12, 2010
Whispers of the Bayou
In the meantime, we'll keep reading through our Daily Chronological NLT Bibles. Next week, January 19, we'll meet at Amy's house to talk about what we've learned so far.
See you then!
Saturday, January 9, 2010
Amazing Men of the Old Testament
First, Wendy has asked everyone to start a comprehensive list of the names of God. (I'm putting mine on the very last page of my notebook so that I can find it easily.) As we found out, in the beginning He wasn't called by name, and each name that has been added so far has been quite powerful. Rochelle posted the names that have been used so far, and Judi B. added to them. Their complete list is here:
El Elyon - God Most High - Gen. 14:18-19 page 17
El Shaddai - God Almighty - Gen. 17:1 page 19
El Roi - The One Who Sees - Gen 16:13 page 18
Yahweh Yireh - The Lord Will Provide - Gen. 22:14 page 26
El Olam - Eternal God - Gen. 21:33 page 25
Also, many of the men that we've been reading about so far, although seemingly rather far apart, actually lived during the same times or during overlapping times. Grace and Peace describes each man - Abraham, Isaac, Joseph, King Abimalech, etc. - and their life span, as well as how old they were when certain events happened. If you missed it, head over here to check it out! She also recommends a book called Halley's Bible Handbook to help us put some of these pieces together. It's actually quite inexpensive and has great reviews. You can find out more about it here.
Happy reading, everyone!
Thursday, January 7, 2010
What a Kickoff!
Wendy Pope, a Proverbs 31 speaker, is guiding a cyber-group through this very same adventure. She both blogs and vlogs about what she's learning and posts it early each morning. The really great thing about this forum is that there are people all over the world reading along with her, and God is showing each of them different things. The comments on each post are a wealth of information. If you haven't checked this out yet, today's the day to start. Wendy's vlog has an amazing message to it, and in a way, it's a fitting challenge for those of us just starting out on this journey. So hop on over to Wendy's blog and join this community!
Heaven's Wager
For more information about Ted Dekker, visit his website at http://www.teddekker.com/.