Daily Reading Questions

1. Name something that was familiar to you but was "heard" in a new way today.

2. Name something from today's reading that you did not know before today.

3. Name one truth from today's reading that you can apply to your daily life.

Saturday, January 9, 2010

Amazing Men of the Old Testament

It may be the weekend, but life on Wendy's blog has not slowed down! People are continuing to read and post about what they're learning, and there are two bits of information posted there today that are pretty helpful.

First, Wendy has asked everyone to start a comprehensive list of the names of God. (I'm putting mine on the very last page of my notebook so that I can find it easily.) As we found out, in the beginning He wasn't called by name, and each name that has been added so far has been quite powerful. Rochelle posted the names that have been used so far, and Judi B. added to them. Their complete list is here:

El Elyon - God Most High - Gen. 14:18-19 page 17
El Shaddai - God Almighty - Gen. 17:1 page 19
El Roi - The One Who Sees - Gen 16:13 page 18
Yahweh Yireh - The Lord Will Provide - Gen. 22:14 page 26
El Olam - Eternal God - Gen. 21:33 page 25

Also, many of the men that we've been reading about so far, although seemingly rather far apart, actually lived during the same times or during overlapping times. Grace and Peace describes each man - Abraham, Isaac, Joseph, King Abimalech, etc. - and their life span, as well as how old they were when certain events happened. If you missed it, head over here to check it out! She also recommends a book called Halley's Bible Handbook to help us put some of these pieces together. It's actually quite inexpensive and has great reviews. You can find out more about it here.

Happy reading, everyone!

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