Daily Reading Questions

1. Name something that was familiar to you but was "heard" in a new way today.

2. Name something from today's reading that you did not know before today.

3. Name one truth from today's reading that you can apply to your daily life.

Monday, March 29, 2010

God's Promises Fulfilled

Do you have a special verse that you cling to when life gets hard? Do you sometimes need to be reminded that God HASN'T forgotten you and that He DOES keep His promises? That was stated unequivocally in today's reading - but, like an infomercial, WAIT! There's more!

Today Wendy challenged everyone to post their favorite promise of God at the top of their comments. As of right now, more than 20 verses have been posted, with more coming in all the time. Wendy also linked two websites that are full of His promises to her comment section. If you're one of those card-carryin' Bible verse-readin' ladies, don't miss this chance to see a wealth of God's promises all on one place - no searching or concordance necessary. :-)

Wendy also requested prayer for the P31 family. Melissa Taylor's mother's funeral was today, and there have been three other deaths in recent weeks, as well as job loss and health issues. The Executive Director's best friend's son is also in need of prayer - he's an eight-month-old baby named Gabriel with a brain tumor behind his ear. His parents are Chris and Rhonda. Please remember them in your prayer time.

Don't forget that tomorrow we'll be meeting to discuss 'A Can of Peas' at Isabelle's at 8 PM! Diana, if you read this, I haven't forgotten you - I'm just not done yet. Having trouble focusing my eyes with all of this pollen floating around ... off to try again.

1 comment:

  1. Hey Amy! Thanks for the prayers for the business! I really do appreciate them!

    Where is Roxboro--did I type that right?? I can always road trip!!!

    Love all of the references you have on your blog! thanks! Enjoy the day! Going birthday shopping for my sister!
