Daily Reading Questions

1. Name something that was familiar to you but was "heard" in a new way today.

2. Name something from today's reading that you did not know before today.

3. Name one truth from today's reading that you can apply to your daily life.

Saturday, July 3, 2010

'A Patch of Heaven' by Kelly Long

Sarah is a quiet, shy Amish girl who has spent years caring for the family's garden when she's suddenly given a new responsibility: managing and manning the family's roadside produce stand. Thrust into contact with the unfamiliar English world, Sarah meets her new neighbor, Grant Williams, a handsome veterinarian who wants to pursue a romantic relationship. Will Sarah venture further into the English world with Grant or will she remain alone in her familiar Amish one?

Long has created wonderful characters. Lifelike and honest, they are not perfect but reflect the situations in which they find themselves. Her writing is compelling and made it impossible for me to put this book down. I couldn't wait to find out what would happen next, and that the characters did not always do the predictable thing made it even better.

With that said, though, for as interesting as the story is, I felt that it was not especially realistic. I grew up in an Amish community, and the biggest decision made by the main characters was one which I've never heard of happening, and despite Long's great writing, there were several gaps not filled in by the end of the book. Yet the strengths of this book far outweighed the weaknesses, and I can't wait to read the next in the series.

Thomas Nelson provided me with a complimentary copy of this book in exchange for a review.

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