Daily Reading Questions

1. Name something that was familiar to you but was "heard" in a new way today.

2. Name something from today's reading that you did not know before today.

3. Name one truth from today's reading that you can apply to your daily life.

Thursday, April 29, 2010

Most Worthy of Praise

The psalms in today's reading were WONDERFUL! So open and honest and yet full of praise - even though David was full of pain himself. That's the hardest time for me to praise, yet that's exactly when we most need to praise. Wendy says that praise confuses the enemy, so we should not forget to praise even in the hardest of circumstances.

I've told a few of you about Baby Gabriel, who has neuroblastoma and has been undergoing testing to determine a course of action. His family received FABULOUS news yesterday, and Wendy talks about it in today's post. I can't share it with the same exuberance that she did, so please hop on over there and check it out.

Don't just stop the video after Gabriel's update, though. Wendy then shares about what "earnestly seeking" God means. Do you do that? Do I? Not always, I'm sorry to say. I think that her teaching today is especially applicable to my life. It has the research, the information of the era, but more importantly - it's all wrapped up in a neat little bow and handed to me to do. I need that honesty and pointedness sometimes.

Check it out. Maybe you need to hear this, too.

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